Entries with “media-queries” tag

Advanced Cross-Browser Flexbox

by Chris Mills in Articles

The CSS Flexible box module level 3 brings with it a lot of power and some very exciting possibilities for web development, allowing us to put together complex site layouts easily and rapidly, and dispensing with some of the illogical hacks and kludges that we’ve traditionally used. In this article Chris Mills goes beyond the basics, showing some more interesting uses of Flexbox, and how Modernizr can be employed to serve different styles to browsers with differing levels of Flexbox support to provide the best level of cross browser support available.

Opera’s WebKit Patches

by Bruce Lawson in Blog

About five weeks ago, we announced that Opera’s products would transition to using WebKit. We said “Opera will contribute to the WebKit and Chromium projects. Our work on web standards to advance the web continues.”

An Introduction to Meta Viewport and @viewport

by Andreas Bovens in Articles

Support for the viewport <meta> tag in Opera’s mobile products has been around for quite some time — in Opera Mobile 11, we have made our viewport implementation more robust, added support for new mechanisms to deal with different screen densities, and included an implementation of our own @viewport rule proposal. So, what better time than now to give you an introduction to the various viewport related mechanisms you can use to optimize your site for mobile.