Entries with “drag-and-drop” tag

HTML5 Drag and Drop

by Mike Taylor in Articles

HTML5 includes the Drag and Drop API, which gives us the ability to natively drag, drop, and transfer data to HTML elements. Up until now, JavaScript libraries have commonly been used to achieve something similar. What libraries such as jQuery UI or Dojo can’t do, however, is interact with other windows, frames, and applications (to and from the file system) or access a rich drag data store.

Accessible Drag and Drop Using WAI-ARIA

by Gez Lemon in Articles

There is increasing interest in, and importance being laid upon, making modern dynamic web applications more accessible. New specifications such as WAI-ARIA and HTML5 provide the means by which to do this; in this article Gez Lemon presents a solution for implementing accessible drag and drop functionality using JavaScript and WAI-ARIA. Some discussion of HTML5 drag-and-drop features is also included for good measure.